Penny Price Aromatherapy

Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil

Latin Name: Cymbopogon nardus
Plant Family: Poaceae
Extraction: Distillation of grass

Citronella Essential Oil is a pale yellow liquid with a brownish tinge. A fresh, powerful, lemony, citrus aroma.

It is a tall aromatic perennial grass, which has derived from the wild ‘mana grass’ found in Sri Lanka. Native to Sri Lanka but is now extensively cultivated in the southern region of the country. An important Essential Oil is produced on a large scale from the Java or Maha Penfrini variety. This is cultivated in tropical regions around the world, particularly in Vietnam, Africa, America and Argentina. There are several other related species of scented grass.

Pure Essential Oil - Available in 10ml, 25ml, 50ml & 100ml. 

Safety Data

Citronella Essential Oil Safety Data Sheet